Harpo Grant recipient

The Chicago-based Harpo Foundation was established in 2006 to support emerging visual artists, stimulate creative inquiry, and encourage new modes of thinking about art.

To that end, the foundation is inviting applications for its Visual Artists Grants program. Through the program, grants of up to $10,000 will provide direct support to underrecognized visual artists age 21 or older. Applications are evaluated on the basis of the quality of the artist’s work, the potential to expand aesthetic inquiry, and its relationship to the foundation’s priority to provide support to visual artists who are under recognized by the field.

Craft Innovation Jumpstarter Grant recipient

The Society of Arts + Crafts believes that the pursuit of craft necessitates a problem-solving mindset: craft makers are explorers, researchers, material risk takers and small business owners. They pursue new ideas and solutions for their work with a deep understanding of their materials and processes. Their imagination and desire for lifelong learning offer craft artists exciting opportunities for discovery and interdisciplinary innovation. When craft artists are ready to bring their solutions and innovations to the next stage, however, they often lack the necessary funds to make investments toward their new direction. The goal of the Society of Arts + Crafts is to assist artists to bridge this gap.